Tag: leadership traits

The Best Leaders Have These 7 Traits

I’ve been blessed with good role models. And I have had some leaders who were not so good. Such as the guy who threw my sales book at me across the room. Or the one who criticized me for something literally every week.

What Makes a Pastor a Great Leader?

Any gifted communicator can tell you what you should be doing. A great pastor journeys alongside you as you seek to do it together.

Trust: The Character of a Great Leader

In a post-pandemic world, trust is more important than ever. Build trust, and you can build a great team.

What Sets Elite Leaders Apart?

These three traits are common in the best leaders.

Greg Laurie: 3 Key Character Traits for Young Leaders

Insights from Greg Laurie on the most important character traits for young leaders to cultivate in their lives—traits that good mentors model.