Tag: Leadership Network

5 Ways to Effectively Change an Established Culture

Here are some things I learned renewing the culture of a long-term established church.

7 Characteristics of a Wise Leader

Wise leaders have moved from a posture of mostly learning to being considered a trusted resource for others.

7 Bad Decisions Leaders Make When in Decline or Plateau

Organizations that are plateauing or shrinking need to be on the lookout for these common mistakes.

8 Ways to Finish a Ministry Job Well

Here are ways to set your church up for continuing health as you transition out of your ministry role.

7 Ways I Protected My Family Life as a Pastor

If you're not careful, everyone else's concerns will trump your family's concerns. Here are ways to guard your family life.

7 Ways to Create Unity in Your Church

Divisions within the church are an unfortunate reality in this fallen world, but here are ways you can restore unity.

10 Things I’ll Do Differently After Being a Pastor

After having been a pastor for 16 years, I have a newfound understanding of what my pastor needs from me.

7 Things That Keep Leaders From Leading Well

These are the most common reasons I hear for pastors and church leaders being ineffective.