Tag: Krish Kandiah

Embrace the Chaos

Leadership that does not shy away from chaos, but embraces it, may well drive the change we need.

The Virus and the Church

How church leaders responded during the early stages of the pandemic.

The Agile Church

Encouraging signs for life beyond the pandemic

Krish Kandiah: God Is Stranger

Finding God in Unexpected Places

Rediscovering God As a Stranger

I came to know God in a new way exploring the troubling sections of the Bible—God as a stranger.

Krish Kandiah: A Faithful Enigma—Part 1

"Preaching and proclamation cannot be separated from lived-out mission, especially in a ‘post-truth’ world.”

Krish Kandiah: A Faithful Enigma—Part 2

"God is so transcendent. Rather than being fearful of that, or worried, we should turn to face it, look directly at it in Scripture.”