Tag: Knute Larson

13 Things We Learned During COVID

Leadership lessons to carry into the next season

18th Annual Celebration of the Best

Outreach Magazine Names Resources of the Year

Pastorpedia: What Counts as Discipleship?

What does discipleship look like?

Pastorpedia: Racial and Political Prejudice

How should we talk about issues of politics and race in our churches?

Pastorpedia: Pastoring During COVID

Advice on pastoring in these difficult times

Pastorpedia: Staff and Volunteer Leaders

What should we be looking for in staff and volunteer leaders?

Pastorpedia: When to Wade Into Politics

When should you speak up, and when is it better to remain silent?

Pastorpedia: Creating a Culture of Evangelism

WELCOME TO PASTORPEDIAA Video Resource of CE National, a church effectiveness ministryIn this issue we talk about evangelism. https://youtu.be/0v2wTPTo-IM Now do we believe we need a...