Tag: Kelly Williams

The Discipline of Listening for God

The discipline of listening to God requires you to actively expect God to speak to you.

What Does It Mean to Be Great for God?

My heart tells me I’m average at best.

Grieving With Those Who Grieve

In the sensitive moments soon after a tragedy, it is important we remember as churches we exist to live out the mission of Jesus to seek and save that which is lost.

Time for a New Beginning

The Church Needs a Revival of Reconnection

Why the Church Needs You

Many will not return to church after the pandemic. Here’s why the church needs each of us.

How Unconfessed Sin Poisons Your Heart for God

Lessons Learned From the Fall of David

Why Misguided Love Isn’t Really Love

Understanding What True Love Looks Like

Reflections on the Legacy of Flight 93

Sacrifice, Spiritual PTSD and the Christian Life