Tag: Karl Vaters

Karl Vaters: Small Church Essentials

Karl Vaters: Field-Tested Principles for Leading a Healthy Congregation of Under 250

The Church Is Small—So What?

Instead of asking, “Our church is small, so what?” we needed to ask, “Our church is small, now what?”

Karl Vaters: ‘The Small Thinking That Divides Churches’

A 10-minute consultation to get your church moving again, from Karl Vaters of NewSmallChurch.com.

Hope for Nov. 9: Pastors on the Election

Several pastors answer the question, “What is the message of hope you want to give to America in the aftermath of this election?”

What I’m Learning: Pastors Need Friends, Too

Karl Vaters: "The most important lesson I've learned in recent years is to be a member of my church, not just its pastor."