Tag: joy

7 Things Joyful Pastors Do

And how I try to practice their habits

Let There Be Laughter

Are we downplaying the unbridled joy of our faith?

How to Cultivate a Joyful Heart

A joyful heart doesn't mean always being happy, but we can be joyful in any circumstance.

Finding Our Joy in Our Creator

What is it about joy in the Lord that allows us to rejoice always, in good times and bad?

Angela Williams Gorrell: The Gravity of Joy

A Story of Being Lost and Found (Eerdmans)

Saturday: The Time In-Between

Excerpted from 'The Gravity of Joy' (Eerdmans)

Searching for True Happiness

Our deep ache for the beyond-happy life

How God Brings Joy Out of Our Sorrow

"God doesn’t change your tragedy; he changes you through the tragedy. He doesn’t make it go away; he redeems it."