Tag: JD Greear

Why Accepting Jesus Means Accepting His Mission

What it means to be a follower of Christ

How God’s Kingdom Is Different Than Counterfeit Kingdoms

Exploring God’s miraculous validation of his rule over the nations

What Sustains Our Courage as Christians?

Three characteristics of courage from Daniel 3 and what they teach us about trusting God in the midst of fearful circumstances.

How to Live Faithfully Now in Light of Future Glory

Three characteristics of eternally-minded Christians

Explaining Away Jesus

Why Objections to Christianity Are Often Intellectually Dishonest

From a Grave to a Garden

There is more healing in Jesus than there is sickness in us.

Jesus’ Scandalous Grace

The shocking, amazing truth that God loves sinners

Are We Building God’s Kingdom or Our Own?

The first and best of what you are has to be laid in surrender at Jesus’ feet. Only then will it bring life to the world.