Yankees, Small Church Feed the Hungry

Mark down a save and a win in the books for an unlikely team working together to help the hungry in the Bronx, New York.


Thanks to the combined efforts of the small Woodycrest United Methodist Church; Rock and Wrap It Up!, a nonprofit, antipoverty think-tank; and the New York Yankees baseball team, food left over from concessions at Yankees home games is reaching people who need it.


Tables set up outside the church after select Yankees home games are filled with hamburgers, hot dogs, sushi and other ballgame fare to be given to the hungry in the area.


Get the whole story from United Methodist News Service.

James P. Long
James P. Longhttp://JamesPLong.com

James P. Long was formerly the editor of Outreach magazine and the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?

Relational Unity or Isolation?

The horizontal dimension of the cross symbolizes the other aspect of community that the cross offers—that we can be reconciled not only to God, but also to each other, and be brought together to form one body.