5 Ways to Jump Start your Men’s Ministry

1. Provide food and advertise how great it will be.

A good, hearty, regional favorite—ribs, tri-tip, all the pancakes and sausage you can eat, whatever appeals to the men in your area, provide it (and lots of it) at the kickoff event. Jesus often fed people both in large groups and at fish cookouts on the beach for his disciples. Copy him!

2. Make it an event that’s appealing for more than spiritual reasons.

Consider starting a men’s ministry or Bible study series with a locally popular speaker who is a believer. A successful businessman, athlete or coach can help men see that the values of the Bible transcend Sunday morning.

3. Be honest about the spiritual value.

Most men want to have a lasting and significant impact on their families and those close to them. Let them know a Bible study can help them become men of wisdom, insight, and strength. We have the Words of eternal life, the message of true and significant power. Don’t be shy in sharing it.

4. Give complete information each time the event is mentioned.

It doesn’t matter if you spend a lot of money for four-color printing or a scrolling website header if you don’t give the time or location of the event. Don’t forget childcare options for single dads. Complete basic information is the foundation of all successful ministry marketing.

5. Send out a series of postcards and/or e-mail or text blasts and provide information in the newsletter, bulletin, Web, etc.

Don’t discount postcards. Postcards, if done correctly, tend to get carried directly from the mailbox to the refrigerator. Once posted, an announcement on the refrigerator is far more likely to elicit a response than an announcement in a discarded church bulletin. And e-mail notices can be added to electronic calendars.

Yvon Prehn
Yvon Prehnhttp://EffectiveChurchCom.com

Yvon Prehn is the founder and director of Effective Church Communications and is the primary content creator and editor of training materials on church communications. For over 20 years she traveled and taught church communication ministry, skills, and strategy at seminars, conferences, and national conventions all over North America.

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