Tag: guest services

Using the Summer Slump to Win Guests

God has a beautiful design for your local church to reach the lost with the gospel message, but is your church prepared to do so?

5 Ways to Train Your Welcome Team During the Summer

Keep these tips in mind and you'll be setting your guest services team up to make a great first impression on your fall guests.

3 Keys to an Effective Guest Services Team

Welcoming guests is an important aspect of the life of the church. What should we prioritize when we’re introducing people to the church?

4 Ways to Get Your Church Ready for Guests

What is necessary to keep guests?

How to Turn Guests Into Fans

Make it your goal for each member of your staff to wow one person each day.

5 Reasons Visitors Return to Your Church

How to follow-up in ways that will make people feel at home and want to come back.

9 Things a Messy Church Building Says

There is a danger of sending the wrong message to guests when a church gets too comfortable with the status quo.

How to Assimilate Church Visitors

If someone visits a second time, you've won 80 percent of the battle to get them to stay. Here's how to get that second (and third) visit.