21 Signs Your Church Needs to Change

Change is one of the most controversial issues in almost any organization.

There’s something inside you and me that clings to the status quo, hoping it will work one more time, even if it hasn’t worked in a long time.

Sometimes the need for change is obvious. If nothing has changed since 1962, the case for change presents itself.

But often it’s more subtle than that.

As leaders, we spend a surprising amount of time trying to convince ourselves change is really that necessary.

We’ve seen how change has swallowed colleagues alive. We’ve watched great leaders suffer as they met all kinds of opposition. We sense the conflict pending in our own community.

So we ignore the signs that would tell us change is needed.

So, how do you know your organization needs to change? How do you stay 100 percent honest as a leader and engage the difficult issues?

Answer: You constantly watch for the signs you need to change.

What are those signs? Well, there are plenty of them.

Change needs to happen on a macro-level, and it also needs to happen on a micro-level. Because the need for change almost inevitably means some level of conflict, it’s easy for a leader to move into denial—to pretend the status quo isn’t really that bad.

But great leaders don’t run when they see a need for change. They embrace it and demonstrate the courage needed to navigate the change required.

So how do you know if your church needs to change? At the macro- and micro-level, here are 21 signs your church needs to change:

1. Your stories are about what used to happen, not what’s going to happen. You need to change because your memories exceed your dreams.

2. You’re still growing, but any real innovation has stopped. Every season has a shelf life. Smart leaders prepare for the next season before the current one expires.

3. Your team is misaligned. This means you need to change your culture. Misaligned organizations will always struggle with organizational health and unity in purpose and mission.

4. Your growth is mostly transfer growth. You’re missing your mission. Enough said.

5. The number of baptisms has slowed. Signs like this are the canary in the coal mine.

6. You think about the obstacles associated with the future more than you think about the opportunities.

This kind of thinking breeds a culture of fear. Decline is right around the corner, if not already present.

7. Your volunteer turnover is too high. Something needs to change in your volunteer culture or structure.

8. Your volunteer turnover is too low.

Something needs to change because you have no room for new people. Many dying churches have the same people serving in the same role for decades.

9. You’re not hearing stories of life change. Stories are the currency of effectiveness.

10. You haven’t done anything exciting in the last six months. Stagnation starts subtly.

11. You’re not offending people. Organizations that make a difference always anger someone. Just make sure you’re offending the right people.

12. Your average age is creeping higher. A sure sign you’re missing the next generation.

13. People are afraid to suggest new ideas. Your leadership culture may have become more about preservation than innovation.

14. People are content with the status quo. When you think you’ve arrived, your vision is departing.

15. You are talking about the same issues in meeting after meeting. You’re stuck, and progress will become increasingly difficult until you tackle this.

16. Your growth curve has slowed or stopped. The change probably should have started a year or two ago. Analyze and act now.

17. Your community wouldn’t notice if you disappeared. Churches that only serve themselves miss their mission.

18. Your passion level is average-to-low. Declining organizations always lack passion.

19. You don’t look like your community. Churches that have become a subculture look like themselves, not like their community.

20. Talk doesn’t translate to action. Most of your decisions result in nothing significant.

Check your progress more than you check your intentions.

21. You’re still breathing. Change is a constant. The day we stop changing is the day we begin to die.

Those are 21 signs I’ve identified. But there are so many more.

What would you add to this list?

Carey Nieuwhof
Carey Nieuwhofhttps://careynieuwhof.com/

Carey Nieuwhof is a best-selling leadership author, speaker, podcaster, former attorney and church planter. He writes one of today’s most influential leadership blogs, and his online content is accessed by leaders over 1.5 million times a month. His most recent book, At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy and Priorities Working in Your Favor, is designed to help you live a life you no longer want to escape from. Instead, you might actually start loving it.

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