Why Are We Still Building Orphanages in 2016?

So, my message is this. We must move away from the orphanage model. Christians, we are lagging behind on this one. We should be the ones out there supporting families. Instead we are destroying them.

There are fantastic organizations that can help an orphanage transform into a “Community Support Center.” In this way, the staff and resources are still employed, but the benefits reach ALL the children in the community and strengthen families. This is now happening all over the world.

Secondly, we must invest everything we have in the care and support of vulnerable children in the context of their families in the community. Where those families are unavailable or unsuitable, we must support foster care and adoption. No more excuses.

Prevention. Prevention. Prevention. Reintegration. Support. This is the strategy that will work.
So how do we tell this story in a way that people can grasp? I recently watched the premiere of a fantastic new documentary movie called Lost Kites, about vulnerable children and orphans around the world. The movie tells the poignant stories of three orphaned children and their struggles to get by in life. It is beautifully shot in 22 countries over the course of two years. It even features me and a few other experts in the field, talking about the issue.

Please check it out and spread the word. You can organize a screening in your church or community. They can also give you a link for you and other decision-makers to view the movie in advance.

Craig Greenfield (@craigasauros) is the founder of Alongsiders International and author of the upcoming Subversive Jesus: An Adventure in Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in a Broken World (Zondervan, April 2016). A storyteller and activist living in urban slum communities for the past 15 years, Craig’s passion is to communicate God’s heart for the marginalized around the world. Get a free copy of Craig’s first book Urban Halo at his website. This article was originally published on Craig’s blog.

Craig Greenfield
Craig Greenfield

Craig Greenfield (@craigasauros) is the founder of Alongsiders International and author of Subversive Jesus: An Adventure in Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in a Broken World (Zondervan). A storyteller and activist living in urban slum communities for the past 15 years, Craig’s passion is to communicate God’s heart for the marginalized around the world.