Tag: evangelism

When Truth Is Not Popular

Billy Graham received criticism throughout his life simply for telling the truth. But we need truth more than ever.

When Evangelism Is Missing

What do we lose when a church stops being about reaching nonbelievers?

3 Steps for Church Leaders to Renew Our Passion for Evangelism

How to make the lost a priority in your church’s heart and ministries

7 Ways to Prepare to Share Your Faith

Here are some great ways to prepare yourself for opportunities to share the gospel.

Getting Outside Our Comfort Zone to Share Our Faith

Is there someone you know who is different from you, and you don’t necessarily want to reach out to him or her?

Tips for Talking With Skeptics

6 imperatives for evangelism

How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in the Gospel

The key to gaining a hearing in our culture

5 Ways to Boost Your Evangelism This Year

Tips to energize your evangelism