Tag: Eric Geiger

We Are Children of God

Reflecting on the Power of Our Identity in Christ

Servant Leadership in a Nutshell

Insights from Max De Pree on 4 essential characteristics of an effective leader

The Key to Being Present for Your Family

It’s Not as Much About How Much You Work, But When

Walking Through Suffering Together

Identifying With Jesus in Adversity

11 Tips for Minimizing the Dark Sides of Social Media

How do you take advantage of the rewards of social media while avoiding its pitfalls?

3 Reasons to Encourage Teenagers to Serve in the Church

Why the church should embrace teens serving on Sundays

12 of My Favorite Christmas Quotes

These quotes from pastors and theologians capture the weight and beauty of the Incarnation for me.

12 of My Favorite Christmas Quotes

These quotes from pastors and theologians capture the weight and beauty of the Incarnation for me.