Tag: Eric Geiger

How Community Combats Self-Centeredness

Generally, the more isolated we are from community, the more self-centered we become over time.

5 Ways to Align Your Church Leadership and Mission

Your church's unique calling should be championed and celebrated by your leadership team.

Building a Community in a Society of Isolation

We were never meant to live life alone.

How to Become an ‘Antifragile’ Follower of Christ

The only way to grow as a leader and Christian is to challenge yourself.

The Best Hiring Advice I’ve Received

Selecting people to join your team is one of your most important leadership responsibilities.

How Misplaced Compassion Damages Your Team

Refusing to address performance issues is not compassionate, but negligent.

Beware of Making Anything But the Gospel Your ‘Main Thing’

No single issue but the gospel can bear the weight of being the 'main thing.'

How to Recognize Repentance in a Restoration Process

We should not rush the restoration process, but instead be patient to see the fruit of true repentance.