Tag: creativity

10 Steps to Build a Creative Culture

How do you maximize the creativity of your people and create an environment where they thrive.

5 Creative Leaders Share Their Secrets

How to get the most out of your team and inspire them to creativity and productivity.

Alan Briggs: The Paralysis of Perfection

Lately I’ve been noticing two competing ideas in organizations: creativity and excellence. Of course, we need innovative solutions to problems. Count me in for more creativity. It’s the excellence piece that can trip us up.

What Not to Say When You’re Developing New Ideas

How to keep from sabotaging your own process

Andrew Peterson: Encountering the God of the Garden—Part 1

“Everyone was talking about how Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins, but the elephant in the room was why?”

Andrew Peterson: Present in Creation—Part 2

“The presence of God is real. All of creation proclaims his handiwork. But we must fight to pay attention.”

10 Ways to Work Better With Creatives

Maximizing the strengths of the members of your creative team

Creativity and Innovation in a Small Church

Bishop Thomas A. Clark IV discusses how World Deliverance Christian Center in Bellwood, Illinois, shifted their culture to reach people online.