Tag: Connexus Church Toronto

Why So Many Church Leaders Struggle With Their Faith

I've found that the closer I am to God's Word, the closer I am to God.

5 Truths My Younger Self Never Would Have Believed

Looking back, here are important lessons I've learned about leadership and life.

7 Things a Leader Should Never Say

These things are sure to sabotage your leadership and your team.

The Truth About Competency

Without character, all the competency in the world doesn't matter.

7 Tips for Leading a Virtual Team

Here are some best practices for managing a virtual team.

Carey Nieuwhof: Being a Pastor Almost Killed Me—Part 1

I learned a hard lesson about leadership when I spiraled into burnout.

Carey Nieuwhof: Prepared for the Challenge—Part 2

Helping church leaders overcome the seven greatest challenges of leadership.

5 Ways You’re Psyching Yourself Out As a Leader

Leaders should always take leadership seriously, but when we take it personally it can wreak havoc.