Tag: Bivocational

Is Bivocational Better?

The Challenges and Benefits of Bivocational Ministry

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do as a Bivocational Pastor

A few things I learned and have observed from working with bivocational pastors

How the ‘Gig Economy’ Is Changing Christian Ministry

More and more people are getting part-time side gigs for supplemental income. Here's how that affects the ministry landscape.

Surviving Bivocational Ministry: 3 Essentials

"As bivocational leaders, we have to function at a high level for a long time."

5 Reasons to Go Bivocational

"I’m not claiming it’s wrong to minister full-time; merely that it’s not always right."

8 Characteristics of the New Bivocational Pastor

Thom Rainer: "The new bivocational pastor is similar to the traditional bivocational pastor with some key differences."