Tag: Bible

You Might Be Reading the Bible the Wrong Way

Not every verse has a direct takeaway, but that's OK. Here's why. (Look for Paauw's article on Bible engagement in the Mar/Apr issue of Outreach magazine.)

Moody Publishers Launches New Online Ministry

Virtual library points readers back to the Bible.

5 Concerning Trends Related to Bible Engagement

How our society is being affected as people become less engaged with the Bible

What Happens When People Engage With the Bible?

Encouraging findings from the latest State of the Bible research from the American Bible Society.

The Story of the Bible Told Through Water

Water plays a prominent role in the saga of the Scriptures.

Why We Must Keep Returning to the Bible

Engaging with God's living and active Word

Readers of the Lost Art

How the rediscovery of great literature will enrich your life and transform your ministry.