Rob Wilkins

Rob Wilkins, an Outreach magazine contributing writer, is the co-founder and creative lead for Fuse Media in Asheville, North Carolina.

Renaut van der Riet: ‘Impossible’ Is an Opportunity—Part 1

"God’s story is all about accomplishing what seems impossible."

Renaut van der Riet: Redeeming Dark Spaces—Part 2

The problems of the world are big, but with God's Spirit we can actually accomplish change.

Mike Burnette: A Place to Envision What’s Possible—Part 1

Having been kicked out of church as a child, Mike Burnette envisioned a place where his family would feel welcome.

Mike Burnette: Building a Church for the Unchurched—Part 2

We must be just as skilled at exegeting our communities as we are at exegeting Scripture.

Ed Stetzer: Good News in This Age of Rage

Into a world marked increasingly be deep divisions, Christianity speaks a message of reconciliation.

Eternity: This Changes Everything

Living in light of eternity is about more than just getting to heaven.

Karl Vaters: Small Church America—Revisited

How Pastor Karl Vaters lost his grasshopper complex and discovered, no one loses when the kingdom advances.

Healing the Wounds: One Pastor’s Journey

“When People Begin to Understand the Perfect Love of God, It Spreads Out From Heart to Church to City, Patiently Healing.”