Margaret Feinberg

Margaret Feinberg ( is author of some great reads like Scouting the Divine and The Sacred Echo. She loves Coldplay but can’t wait for the skinny jean trend to pass. She asked her social media friends what marks a hipster pastor and their most brilliant responses are found above. You can follow her snark, wit, and wisdom at and help her figure out what to do on Pinterest at

Why a Lamb Must Be One Year Old

Christ is our perfect, unblemished passover lamb who takes away our sin and reconciles us to himself.

Margaret Feinberg: Taste and See

Discovering God among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers

10 Tips to Keep Your Ministry from Bottoming Out

Margaret Feinberg: "Sometimes dips in our own ministry are a result of pouring out into a meaningful relationship."

4 Moves That Can Make or Break Your Ministry Effectiveness

"Learning to assess body language can go a long way to showing your compassion and care of those you’re leading."

What Happens When You Ask God “What If?”

God delights for us to cup our hands in prayer in holy expectation that he will meet us in beautiful, mysterious ways.