Joe McKeever

Joe McKeever spent 42 years pastoring six Southern Baptist churches and has been writing and cartooning for religious publications for more than 40 years.

Do Not Fear. Ever.

Fear of death causes bondage. It keeps people from doing bold things they should be doing. And the devil had been holding the power of death and scaring people. But through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that power has been restored to its rightful Owner.

Veiled Humility

What if we quit bragging on ourselves and hanging our fragile egos on the line for all the world to see? What if we did our job and said to ourselves, “I am only an unworthy servant; I’m just doing my job,” and left it at that (Luke 17:7-10).

Who Do You Compete With? Other Preachers?

Do your job. If you are losing members to the new guy, keep telling yourself (and your leaders who may be panicking at the empty pews and low offerings), “This is not about us, but about the Lord Jesus. And if they’re doing a better job over there, then let’s pray for them and encourage them.”

Don’t Jump Ship Too Quickly

So, pastor, you found the going to be tough, some of the leaders resistant, and a few members to be criminal in their behavior? You grew tired of fighting them and fed up with the way they treated you?

Heartless Christianity

This kind of Christianity is the curse of the modern church. No one is drawn to Christ by its display. There is no magnetism, nothing that attracts, and plenty to repel.

Do Your Sermons Provoke Thinking?

The unthinking has a difficult time with Jesus. Our Lord refuses to abide by their demands, just as He did with every group He ministered to in the First Century.

10 Danger Zones for Pastors

It’s the young minister who is more likely to try to brave it out alone. It’s the young pastor who is more prone to end up a victim instead of a victor.