Joe McKeever

Joe McKeever spent 42 years pastoring six Southern Baptist churches and has been writing and cartooning for religious publications for more than 40 years.

What Disappearing Churches Do Wrong

The bad choices that can lead to a church's demise

When Your Church Is Resisting Change

The future is uncharted territory, but we walk forward into it whether we like it or not. Believers have a Lord who dwells in the future as well as the present. We can go confidently into “that good night,” as one put it. “He leadeth me in paths of righteousness.”

When Someone Is Tough to Love

When we learn to love those we had previously written off, we grow and become a little more like Jesus.

10 Signs of Church Wellness

Whenever God’s people do the hard thing in the Lord’s way–when we love the unlovely, when we forgive our attackers, when we do good things to our enemy, when we soldier on in the face of adversity, when we maintain our joy in the midst of disaster and retaliate with love–twelve things begin to happen from that moment.

Pastor, What Do You Love?

Flattery is like perfume, we’re told. It smells good but will make you sick if you swallow it. I’ve known too many preachers who swallow all the flattery they can find, then look around for more. Not wise.

Are You Sending the Wrong Message About the Bible?

The pastor makes the Scripture seem too complicated when he spends a lot of time digging into the Greek and Hebrew. Members go away feeling only the Ph.Ds can grasp its meaning.

Does God Exclude Some From His Work?

The Lord’s best servants are the congregation’s best leaders. Those who lead best are humble servants willing to stoop and wash the feet or rise and lead the charge, whatever the situation requires.

Why Churches Should Consider Inviting a Vocational Evangelist

A significant number of churches have never invited a vocational evangelist to speak. Why not?