Tag: accountability

How Should We Respond When a Leader Falls?

Balancing the need for accountability and redemption.

Preaching What You Practice

It’s hard to lead an evangelistic movement in your place of ministry when reaching out to the lost is something you tend to avoid.

What to Avoid When Writing Church Policies

The best organizational policies help make life and leadership better and make subjective issues clear.

The Missing Ingredient in Church Leadership

What we’re overlooking in our conversations about leadership

Why Leaders Should Be Transparent With Their Struggles

People need to know that no leader is on a pedestal of perfection.

2 Reasons a Spiritual Leader’s Inner Circle Fails to Hold Them Accountable

Why the people closest to the leader hesitate to call out bad behavior

11 Tips for Confronting Others in a Godly Way

How to get through your discomfort with confrontation

The Importance of Staying Vulnerable as a Leader

Accountability and support for church leaders