Tag: Aaron Earls

The Toughest Parenting Lesson to Embrace

Learning to see our kids' unique gifts

Research: The Shifting Views of Americans on Meaning and Purpose

As Americans attempt to move past the life-altering effects of 2020, their perspective is shifting on some of the most significant questions facing humanity. A...

Majority of Churchgoers Proud of Church’s Pandemic Response

Almost 9 in 10 Protestant churchgoers (86%) say they are proud of how their church has responded during the coronavirus pandemic, with 58% strongly agreeing.

10 Characteristics of Churches That Attract Young Adults

For churches that want to retain teenagers into adulthood, these traits matter.

Study: Pastors Hesitant to Preach on Race

Close to 1 in 6 pastors (16%) admit they have not addressed racial reconciliation from the pulpit in the past two years.

Study: Half of U.S. Protestant Pastors Hear Conspiracy Theories in Their Own Churches

49% of U.S. Protestant pastors say they frequently hear members of their congregation repeating conspiracy theories they have heard about why something is happening in our country.

The Economic Fallout for Churches From 2020

Almost half of U.S. Protestant pastors (48%) say the current economy is negatively impacting their church, including 5% who say the impact is very negative.

Study: Most Churches Have Not Returned to Pre-Pandemic Attendance Levels

One in 10 churches (9%) say their attendance in September was less than 30% of what it was in February before the pandemic spread to the U.S. Another 20% say attendance was between 30% and less than 50% of what it was.