Tag: Thom S. Rainer

To Revitalize or to Replant?

Should some churches seeking revitalization think about replanting instead?

How To Move On From Careless Prayers

I will not talk about my prayer life to make me look more spiritual. My prayer life has a long way to go. If I hint in any way that I am some super saint with an unmatched prayer life, I am lying.

What Are the Dangers of Designated Giving?

Letting donors dictate where their funds are allocated can cause at least five key problems to arise.

5 Blind Spots in Churches With High Pastor Turnover

Might the church culture be the problem?

5 Reasons Consumer Church Members Leave

Why some of your members are taking off

How to Reach the People Who Have Stopped Attending

5 approaches churches are using to bring people back

How to Recover After Easter

Regaining your stamina after the pressure of Holy Week