Tag: Thom Rainer

7 Prayers Pastors Are Praying for Their Churches in the New Year

Pastors' heartfelt desires for their churches

Out of Committees and Into the Community

5 principles for church committees

5 Pivots Churches Should Make in the New Year

Changes you can make in 2021 that will lead to a healthier church

How Churches Are Responding to the Second Wave of COVID

5 ways churches are navigating the current environment

Why Other Churches Are Not Your Competition

7 reasons not to compare your church to others.

How to Manage People Working From Home

How do you lead people when they are no longer physically present in the office?

6 Unique Concerns Churches Are Dealing With Right Now

The topics that are creating tension in local churches

4 Essential Attitudes for Your Ministry to Thrive in the Future

These attitudes characterize leaders who are on the right trajectory.