Tag: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Walter R. Strickland II

The tale of Black faith is interwoven into the tapestry of God’s people.

Ross D. Iman

Metaphysics is about wading into the wonder and depths of created being ultimately for the sake of being enthralled by the depths of God’s own uncreated being, the wonder of it all.

The Power of Your Story to Draw People to Faith

Your testimony is a powerful tool to contextualize the gospel for people who don't yet know Christ.

How to Teach Children About Missions

Helping children think about missions.

Keeping Our Eyes on the Mission in Divided Times

No matter what's going on, the Great Commission is still our mission on earth.

What’s Keeping You From Sharing Your Faith?

Here are four common evangelism mistakes, and why you shouldn't fear them.

How Can I Serve Christ When I Feel So Unworthy?

How God uses imperfect people to accomplish his will

Karen Swallow Prior: The Truth and The Cross—Part 1

The apostle Paul wrote, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2)....