Tag: sharing your faith

Evangelism and Your Personal Story

Your personal testimony will include your life before Christ, how you came to Christ, and your life after you came to Christ.

Don’t Miss the Everyday Opportunities God Sends You

Jesus was always ready to be 'interrupted' to fulfill his mission.

3 Steps for Church Leaders to Renew Our Passion for Evangelism

How to make the lost a priority in your church’s heart and ministries

Getting Outside Our Comfort Zone to Share Our Faith

Is there someone you know who is different from you, and you don’t necessarily want to reach out to him or her?

The Apostle Paul’s Secret to Sharing His Faith

We often overcomplicate evangelism when all we need to do is just do it.

An Evangelism Professor’s Obstacles to Evangelism

10 things that keep me from sharing my faith

3 Reasons to Be Bold in Sharing the Gospel

Jesus accomplished more than simply our salvation on the cross.

Why You Don’t Need to Be ‘Gifted’ to Share Your Faith

“Don't wait on the gift. Be the gift to someone else.”