
Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

John H. Walton

Whatever authority the prophetic words held for the ancient audience they also hold for us.

Robert F. Cochran Jr.

The great social good that lawyers do is to uphold the rule of law.

Priscilla Pope-Levison: Models of Evangelism

An exploration of evangelism

Esau McCaulley: Reading While Black

African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope (IVP Academic)

Stephen Viars: Overcoming Bitterness

Moving From Life’s Greatest Hurts to a Life Filled With Joy (Baker)

Jemar Tisby: How to Fight Racism

Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice (Zondervan)

Andrew Root: The Congregation in a Secular Age

Keeping Sacred Time Against the Speed of Modern Life (Baker Academic)

Supporting Mothers With an Unplanned Pregnancy

A conversation with Amy Ford, president of Embrace Grace

Samuel Rodriguez: From Survive to Thrive

Live a Holy, Healed, Healthy, Happy, Humble, Hungry, and Honoring Life (Charisma House)

12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice

'Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth' (Zondervan Academic) by Thaddeus J. Williams