People Are the Mission
(Zondervan, 2018)
WHO: Danny Franks, pastor of guest services at The Summit Church in North Carolina.
HE SAYS: “To truly be a church on mission, we have to move from ‘What’s in it for me?’ to ‘Who is the Holy Spirit calling me to befriend?’”
THE BIG IDEA: Practical tools and biblical reasoning behind esteeming guests with the gospel as the goal.
Part 1, “Looking Out,” covers outward hospitality, the community-facing ministry of the church. The author discusses the necessity of corporate worship services being set up with cities in mind, the importance of thinking through all the details and the reasons we need to reclaim hospitality as a gospel apologetic.
In Part 2, “Looking In,” the focus shifts to inward discipleship and how knowing who you are as a church can affect both outreach and inreach.
“People are the mission that Christ has called us to, and if we focus on people, we can help people focus on the gospel.”
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A 2019 Also Recommended Outreach Resource of the Year—Church Category
“Six lessons, introduced by six stories, about how to prevent church hospitality from disintegrating into obsession or indifference by keeping the focus on people’s spiritual needs.”
Evaluated by Bob Whitesel, a practical theologian, John Wesley scholar, author of 13 books, founding professor of a seminary and a sought-after coach and consultant.