Small Church America
A Spirit of Welcome
Outreach is such an important part of GateWay’s mission that earlier this year, they left their rented commercial space for a more affordable spot in the local community center in order to free up more of the church’s funds for outreach.
When Small Churches Play Dress Up
Sure your communications, media, and tech teams want to do amazing things. So they bring out the fog machines, fancy lights, and the worship leader reaches far beyond the capabilities of the choir or worship team.
God Can Use a Church of Any Size
According to a recent Lifeway Research survey, the average evangelical church in North America has an average of 65 worshipers each Sunday. Of that, 7 out of 10 worshipers attend a church with fewer than 100 worshipers each Sunday.
Stephen Witmer: Big Gospel, Small Places—Part 1
Ministering in small towns is neither idyllic nor dull. It is real life.