Who Will Your Church Reach This Fall?

Now, more than ever, people need Jesus and a caring church community where they can belong, grow and find hope. This Sept. 18, we would love for you to be part of introducing your community to Jesus.

National Back to Church Sunday started as a single-day event focused on extending the invitation of God’s love, peace, and hope to our friends and neighbors. Each September since 2009, we have set aside the third Sunday in September as the day to encourage everyone to attend a Bible-based church, and for church leaders to create a welcoming, inviting environment for their visitors.

Join the Back to Church Sunday movement—it is free, and you will receive a free set of resources from Outreach, the parent company of Outreach magazine, to help you get started. Visit BacktoChurch.com today.

Outreach, Inc.
Outreach, Inc.

Outreach, Inc. is Outreach magazine’s parent company and has quickly grown to become the largest provider of church outreach products and services in the world. With a mission to share God’s love and empower the Church to share the message of Jesus Christ, Outreach provides cost-effective, proven methods and resources in a variety of forms, including books, media and film, postcard invitations, banners, bulletin covers, curriculum, church campaign materials, and more.