When COVID-19 hit the U.S., church leaders faced the unexpected and overwhelming challenge of closing their doors. You may have had to quickly figure out how to stream services and move ministry activities online.
Now, you’re likely grappling with the daunting details of how to reopen your facilities for in-person worship and other ministries. You and your church leadership team are wrestling myriad questions and concerns about how to relaunch church in COVID-safe ways. At the same time, as a leader, you need to lift your eyes, look out at the horizon, and ask, “What have we learned about our church in this crisis that can help us prepare for a new season of ministry?”
This is the driving question that prompted us to develop the resource, “Key Questions to Prepare for a New Season of Ministry,” and its companion, “Leadership Questions for a New Season of Ministry.” We want to help you think through long-term strategies to relaunch your church for maximum ministry impact.
We also want to provide a frictionless way for you to collaborate with your leadership team to reimagine the future of your church in light of all you’re learning during the pandemic. To help you initiate a deep, candid conversation with your leadership team, we’ve developed “A Step-by-Step-Guide for Leading a Relaunch Church Meeting,” which includes a ready-to-customize meeting agenda. Our hope is that this resource will provide you with a turnkey way to gather with your leaders and develop a strategy for relaunching your church for a new season of ministry in light of COVID-19.
Who Should Be Part of a Relaunch Church Meeting?
We recommend inviting your key church leadership team to participate in a Relaunch Church Meeting. Try to keep your group to 10 or fewer in order to have the most effective working group. This can include staff leaders as well as key volunteers, and they should be individuals who have extensive knowledge of your church’s mission and vision and ministry programming.
How to Prepare Your Team for a Relaunch Church Meeting
These are the resources you’ll want to provide to your leaders in advance of your Relaunch Church meeting:
1. “Key Questions to Prepare for a New Season of Ministry”
2. “Key Questions Assessment”
3. Your customized Relaunch Church Meeting Agenda (Download “A Step-by-Step Guide for Leading a Relaunch Church Meeting” to access a customizable agenda for your team meeting.)
You have a rare opportunity to evaluate your church and all of your ministries with fresh eyes. We know there will be a strong pull to focus primarily on the short-term, tactical solutions for reopening your facilities. The future of your church, however, hinges on your ability to see what the COVID-19 crisis makes possible. Commit to making time with your leaders to reimagine the part your church can play in transforming lives with the gospel.
First published on AspenGroup.com. Used by permission.