Mosaix Teaches New Ways to Develop Revenue Streams for Churches

Mosaix has launched a new interactive, digital training program to help pastors and ministry leaders leverage assets, bless their community and generate sustainable income for their church.

Through Church Economics & Entrepreneurship (CEE), together with OCEAN in Cincinnati, Ohio, Mosaix has created a pathway by which a team of three people from a church (lead pastor, executive pastor or CFO-type, and a marketplace leader) will learn practically how to build teams that turn ideas into multiple revenue streams and develop reproducible business models and extend missional impact.

Through the four-month series, attendees will be equipped to create multiple streams of income that would otherwise take years to establish. As part of a CEE learning cohort of five to seven churches, ministry leaders will interact with entrepreneurial leaders and experienced mentors.

CEE offers:

• 16 weeks of training and content
• Asynchronous learning through reading, exercises and videos
• Live weekly learning workshops
• Peer-to-peer learning through a cohort model
• A library of training videos to share with your team

A still small but growing movement of economic innovation is under way in local churches throughout the United States, one that is indicative of a fundamental, necessary and systemic shift that is taking place. Embracing this shift can help you lead a church from survival to stability and in time from stability to sustainability, where finances and funding are concerned.

Register your team today for an upcoming public cohort.

Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine

Outreach magazine publishes ideas, innovations, resources and stories to help church leaders reach their communities and change the world. Founded in January 2003 by church communications company Outreach Inc., Outreach is an award-winning, bimonthly periodical for church leadership and is available by subscription and on Find out more at