Mosaix has launched a new interactive, digital training program to help pastors and ministry leaders leverage assets, bless their community and generate sustainable income for their church.
Through Church Economics & Entrepreneurship (CEE), together with OCEAN in Cincinnati, Ohio, Mosaix has created a pathway by which a team of three people from a church (lead pastor, executive pastor or CFO-type, and a marketplace leader) will learn practically how to build teams that turn ideas into multiple revenue streams and develop reproducible business models and extend missional impact.
Through the four-month series, attendees will be equipped to create multiple streams of income that would otherwise take years to establish. As part of a CEE learning cohort of five to seven churches, ministry leaders will interact with entrepreneurial leaders and experienced mentors.
CEE offers:
• 16 weeks of training and content
• Asynchronous learning through reading, exercises and videos
• Live weekly learning workshops
• Peer-to-peer learning through a cohort model
• A library of training videos to share with your team
A still small but growing movement of economic innovation is under way in local churches throughout the United States, one that is indicative of a fundamental, necessary and systemic shift that is taking place. Embracing this shift can help you lead a church from survival to stability and in time from stability to sustainability, where finances and funding are concerned.
Register your team today for an upcoming public cohort.