How Often Do You Feel Lonely?
Jesus’s life was more beautiful, more intentional, and much less lonely than our lives feel.
Hidden Idols
When we are angry with our kids or feel disappointed by them, it can be hard to see the positive. We need to pray for God to give us eyes to see past our frustration and annoyance.
Love God and Obey Him
When we prioritize our teens over God, we are actually failing to love them as we should. Our hope in God, our love for God, and our obedience to God makes a profound impact on our teens.
Outreach Resources of the Year: Youth
Sanchez does an amazing job of helping students understand the importance of discipleship in relation to conversations on race.
Delivering Hope
When visitors do decide to check out a Sunday service, Kelley says, they’re often happy to find a teaching team made up of four Hope pastors, plus two others from different churches, who rotate Sundays.
Go to the Source
The world is rapidly changing all around us. Let’s not use our past understanding to multiply a present audience.