A New Evangelical Manifesto

A New Evangelical Manifesto:
A Kingdom Vision for the Common Good
Edited by David P. Gushee (Chalice)
A 2013 Outreach Resource of the Year

“Imagine sitting around a large, round table—each seat filled with thought-leaders, pastors, theologians and practitioners you respect. They’ve gathered to challenge your thinking, expand your imagination and help you navigate the coming decade of cultural engagement on the issues that matter most. Yes, it’s going to be a grueling few days, working through Christian engagement on subjects such as diversity, interfaith relations, abortion, consumerism, the environment, politics and more. But it is so worth it. The subtitle captures beautifully what reading this great collection of twenty-two essays does for us—we gain ‘a kingdom vision for the common good.’ In today’s culture, that is exactly what Christians need. And while you may not agree with every idea offered, you will be more aware and equipped to engage the topics and offer a better way to your friends, neighbors and colleagues.” —Gabe Lyons, from the March/April 2013 issue of Outreach magazine

Order from Amazon.com: A New Evangelical Manifesto: A Kingdom Vision for the Common Good

The Timeless Whisper’s Been Here All Along

To a world on edge, defensive, and hurting, Christians have a responsibility to not only listen to God but also to speak Good News in a way that can actually be heard.

How to Leverage Existing Ministries for Outreach

“You could launch new outreach ministries without removing any existing ministries, increasing your budget or adding staff.”

Doing Unto Others

Davis maintains that ministry shouldn’t be about serving at church on a Sunday morning, because those people are already saved. Instead, it should be about doing ministry on the mission field and talking to people who are unchurched.