Humanitarian Jesus

Humanitarian Jesus:
Social Justice and the Cross
By Christian Buckley and Ryan Dobson (Moody)
A 2011 Outreach Resource of the Year

”We should carry in our hands food, water, medicine, justice and relief, in any and every form. But our hearts, minds and souls must be reserved for Christ alone. The hope of glory is Christ in us, not what we do on His behalf.” —Christian Buckley and Ryan Dobson, from the book

To order from Humanitarian Jesus: Social Justice and the Cross

Is It Really Necessary to Memorize Scripture?

Memorizing a chapter is easier than memorizing 18 scattered verses because most chapters are a flowing story.

How to Identify and Handle a People Problem

You improve people problems by improving people.

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.