Bobby Jamieson: The Path to Being a Pastor

WHO: Bobby Jamieson, associate pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC

HE SAYS: “Rejoice in being saved more than you rejoice in being significant.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book offers advice to those who are considering becoming a senior pastor on topics ranging from first considering the idea to going through the candidate process.

THE PROGRESSION: In Part 1, “Finding the Path,” the author introduces a change of approach, to saying “I aspire” rather than “I am called.” Part 2, “Walking the Path,” offers a guide through various stages of ministry preparation, from setting an example to teaching to reading and praying.

“In addition to hard work and heartache, pastoral ministry serves up rare joys.”

Bobby Jamieson

Bobby Jamieson serves 9Marks as assistant editor and website manager. After graduating from the University of Southern California, Bobby was a pastoral intern at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. He is currently an MDiv student at Southern Seminary, and he lives with his wife and daughter in Louisville, Kentucky.

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