May/June 2010: Men's Outreach, Women's Outreach

Men and Women: Can the Church Connect?

Culture shifts. Needs change. Old methods may be less effective. How are churches adapting?

Men are missing in large numbers from America’s congregations. Here’s what some churches are doing about it. Resources for men’s outreach »

To reach women, experts say most churches need to take a fresh look at their attitudes and outreach efforts. Resources for women’s outreach »



“Ordinary People, Extraordinary Grace” Telling the story of your faith journey. By Kevin G. Harney

“Steven Curtis Chapman: The Outreach Interview” A very personal call to the Church. More about the singer/songwriter »


PulseAdventure Sports; Memorial Day Event; Connecting Through Community Service; Haiti Response; Refuge for Kids; To Save a Life; Open Doors for Seniors; and more.

IdeasAdoption-Friendly Church; Jump-Start Fall Ministry; Guidelines for Social Media; Small Church, Big Idea: Comnmunity Engagement; Putting Families First; Exponential Church; and more.

VoicesMy Life, So Far: BJ Gallagher; Mystery Visitor: An unbeliever reports on an unannounced visit to a local church. Could it be yours? The Question: Does God exist?





Ed StetzerEd Stetzer As I See It

As president and missiologist-in-residence for LifeWay Research, Ed Stetzer is in a unique position to observe the American Church and comment on trends in outreach. More »


Dan KimballDan Kimball Church on Mission

Pastor and author Dan Kimball gives us a look at emerging generations and offers his thoughts on outreach and evangelism in a new world. More »



Dave GibbonsDave Gibbons Global Perspective

As the founding pastor of multicultural and multiethnic Newsong Church, Dave Gibbons seeks to remind the Church of its mandate to reach the nations, beginning at “the fringe.”


Brad PowellBrad Powell Seeds of Change

Pastor and author Brad Powell offers his experience and insights to help churches realize their full potential and guide pastors through all types of church transitions. More »


Mark DeYmazMark DeYmaz Ethnic Blends

Pastor and author Mark DeYmaz urges churches to embrace multiethnic ministry not just for the sake of racial reconciliation, but because that is what the Church is called to be. More »





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James P. Long
James P. Long

James P. Long was formerly the editor of Outreach magazine and the author of a number of books, including Why Is God Silent When We Need Him the Most?