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Subscribe to OutreachWhen you subscribe to Outreach magazine you receive a year of practical ministry insights from nationally recognized leaders like Bill Hybels, Francis Chan, Max Lucado, Miles McPherson, Craig Groeschel, Wayne Cordiero, Steven Furtick and many others. Each issue includes inspirational outreach stories, church-tested ideas for any church, any size, and the latest innovations and resources to help you reach your community and change the world, plus thought-provoking columns from Ed Stetzer, Dan Kimball, Bobby Gruenewald, Brad Powell and Mark DeYmaz.


Soul DetoxPastors and church leaders count on Outreach magazine and for inspiration, stories, step-by-step solutions for outreach, retention and assimilation from churches of all sizes, as well as idea-starters and quick tips to stir creativity.


Don’t miss these annual issues: Small Church America, Outreach Resources of the Year, the Leadership Issue and The Outreach 100 Largest and Fastest-Growing Churches.


PLUS: When you subscribe now or extend your subscription for just $29.95, you will also receive Craig Groeschel’s new book, Soul Detox, for free.




“No other magazine affects the bottom line kingdom impact of your church like Outreach. I devour each issue and always walk away with new ideas for reaching people. You simply can’t afford to not read it!”

Nelson Searcy, Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, Founder

 2011 Outreach 100

“With anticipation I read each issue of Outreach cover to cover for relevant ideas and inspiration for evangelism. Outreach helps fuel my fire for reaching people for Christ.”

 R. York Moore, National Evangelist, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

 SeptOct 2011 Outreach

“A conference in a magazine! That’s the way I see Outreach magazine each time the latest issue hits my desk. Chock-full of ideas that really worked in real churches like mine. Outreach features the most effective church thinkers and doers. Grab a copy, then go reach your community and change the world.”

Chuck Warnock, Pastor of Chatham Baptist Church, Chatham, Va

 SeptOct 2010 Outreach

“For any church leader who is taking the mission of Jesus seriously, there is no other resource out there that directly talks about evangelism like Outreach magazine does. Every issue is an encouragement to keep pressing onward in the evangelistic mission.”

Dan Kimball, Pastor and author of They Like Jesus But not the Church

 JulyAug 2011 Outreach

“Finally! A magazine that goes beyond theory to best practices without compromising truth. I read every issue of Outreach like a textbook, and it has blessed our ministry with great ideas, leadership principles and simply put, the encouragement I need.”

Bil Cornelius, Founding and Lead Pastor, Bay Area Fellowship, Co-author of Go Big: Lead Your Church to Explosive Growth

 MayJune 2011 Outreach

Subscribe to Outreach today and receive your free copy of Craig Groeschel’s new book, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World.
With your subscription you will also receive the Outreach 100 special issue of the Largest and Fastest-Growing Churches in America, as well as other special issues, including the Year’s Best Outreach Resources, the Annual Small Church America report and theme issues that deal with the great challenges and opportunities of ministry: leadership, evangelism, cultural engagement, retention and others. Don’t miss a single issue.

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 NovDec 2011 Outreach






James P. Long