Tag: LifeWay

3 Fundamental Questions to Ask This Year

Discerning where to focus your energies is essential.

Becoming an Encourager

Developing the Habit of Uplifting Others

10 Characteristics of Churches That Attract Young Adults

For churches that want to retain teenagers into adulthood, these traits matter.

4 Prayers for Pastors During This Tough Season

Praying for pastors around the world during the pandemic

How to Overcome Ministry Fatigue

4 ways to pull back before you burn out

How We Need to SHIFT Our Discipleship

Refocusing on true discipleship

Study: Pastors Hesitant to Preach on Race

Close to 1 in 6 pastors (16%) admit they have not addressed racial reconciliation from the pulpit in the past two years.

Avoiding Pastoral Red Zones

Pastor care must be a pandemic priority