Tag: Lead on Purpose

How Churches Can Respond to the Crisis at the Border

Children are being separated from their families, threatened and assualted at the U.S. border. Here is what you can do.

An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Immigration

Affirming our shared concern and common cause as we all seek compassionate, common sense immigration reforms.

Time: The Essential Investment

It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, but there's one priority we can't compromise: people.

When Women Remain Silent

“You must create a safe environment for women to speak up with the loving care and support necessary to get free.”

4 Actions of Leaders Who Have Integrity

“Integrity is a moral action—it is what you consistently do, even when no one is watching.”

How to Shape and Maintain a Kingdom Vision

“If we aren’t intentional in our leadership, we will drift. We will look up one day and find that we that lack vision.”

What Does Christlike Hospitality Look Like in the Church?

“Where Christ shows up in the world is when ordinary people like you and me open our hearts and homes.”

3 Growth Traits of Great Church Leaders

“Our current place in American history requires an actively informed and engaged Christian witness.”