We need to know the words and ways of God, but we also have to know the words and ways of the people around us. What are their real questions? God has real answers to people’s real questions.
I think if we're going to make disciples in the 21st century in a polarizing time, we've got to recapture the art of hospitality. Because hospitality is where we are able to make an enemy a friend.
The unexpected adventure of evangelism is the joy and the excitement and the spice of the Christian life. Being active evangelistically raises all other areas of our Christian life.
“I don’t think we do a good job talking about depression, anxiety and suicide [in the church]. We need to have conversations with people and listen to their stories.” —Jonah Coyne
“We need to look at inviting people in online or even creating opportunities for people to be digital missionaries, sharing Jesus in digital and virtual spaces.” —Jeff Reed