Tag: Joe McKeever

The Remedy for Envy

Envy is so ugly on the one displaying it. If a smile brightens a face and blesses a room, envy sours the mouth and uglies the eyes and dampens the joy in any gathering.

Wait, We’re to Blame?

It’s time the people of God started doing the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way.

Satan’s Game Plan

This is a warfare we are engaged in with the devil. It’s not a scrimmage, not maneuvers, not a rehearsal for anything, and definitely not practice.

The Hypocrite Is the Greatest Rationalizer of All Time

The hypocrisy that roused the Lord’s dander was the well-thought-out kind that intends to betray and misuses the position of trust.

Scripture Has No Easy Explanation for Pain

When in trouble, we do not run to one who has never known sorrow. Instead, we seek out the one who has known failure and heartache and has gotten to his feet and is still on the job. This is the one who will understand and can counsel us.

In Their Blindness, They Miss the Gospel

The enemy has been messing with millions without Christ, and this has left them far removed from the childlike way they entered this world.

Pondering the Work of Christ

We have a Savior because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. There is a workable salvation!

More Than Words and Effort

There is a sense in which we earthlings are reproducing Jesus in this world. Or, to be more exact, the Holy Spirit is producing Christlike people in this world.