Tag: InterVarsity Press

For Those with Ears to Hear

As God begins to speak with you about your future, understand that it will take time to achieve clarity. Understand that you did not get into your current season of in-between overnight, and no silver prayer bullet or program will lead you out.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Apologetics

Travis Dickinson’s Wandering Toward God is a vital apologetic resource for church leaders who navigate our age of deconstruction. This book not only provides answers to pressing questions, but also sorts through the central challenge of doubts.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Discover new favorites and valuable tools that will enhance your effectiveness in ministry.

Introduction to the Biblical Metanarrative

The story that the Bible tells, therefore, is the story that we are all part of whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not. We have joined the story in progress, along the way, so to speak.

Join the Fiesta

The attention that justice has received in recent years is not a trend, but it can be traced to the pages of the Bible. Justice is grounded in the love of a triune God who time and time again shows his love and compassion for the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the disenfranchised.

Yudha Thianto: An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin

“By presenting Calvin in his historical, cultural, political, and theological contexts, I have meant to help you see him for who he was in his own time.”

Calvin’s Lasting Impact in the Global Church

Excerpted from 'An Explorer's Guide to John Calvin' by Yudha Thianto

Richard Vance Goodwin: Seeing Is Believing

Seeing Is Believing (IVP) by Richard Vance Goodwin