How to Craft a Three-Word Testimony

Your testimony is an effective way to share the gospel because it’s your story—edited by you, filtered by you, qualified by you and told by you. You can tell it anywhere, and it includes how you came to Christ and how others can come to Christ, too. Here are steps you can use—or teach others to use—to craft a personal, three-word testimony.

Should describe your life, feelings, situation, thoughts, etc., before you placed your faith in Christ. Consider: angry, independent, manipulative, miserable, hopeless, empty, addicted, aimless, restless, striving, confused, insecure

Should describe how you came to place your faith in Christ. Consider: creation, studied, concert, grew, Bible, friend, trouble, observation, evangelist, spouse, loved

Should describe your life, feelings, situation, thoughts, etc., after you placed your faith in Christ. Consider: approachable, peaceful, generous, loving, brave, caring, teacher, mentor, servant, elder, hopeful, compassionate, confident

Once you have your three words, come up with one to two sentences for each word. Provide a brief explanation of how each word relates to your story. For the second word, be sure to include a clear presentation of the gospel.

Although I believed in the existence of a God and even knew the story of Jesus, I didn’t fully understand how it all fit together. I was ambiguous about the nature and character of Jesus as God and how he had provided a way for me to be reconciled to the Creator of the universe!

Through a series of conversations with new Christian friends in college, as well as exposure to some Christian music with meaningful lyrics, I came to understand Jesus as Savior. I was awakened to the reality that Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead.

Now I am assured that through my trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation, I have an unbroken relationship with God. This relationship is for eternity, and my life with him will not end when my time on earth does.

3 words…
1-2 sentences per word…
3-6 sentences to tell your story.

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