7 Ways to Connect With Single-Parent Families

Host a one-day event.
Feature an exhibit area, local speakers and a panel of representatives from area agencies specializing in social services, counseling, financial planning, education and scholarships. Provide free child care, lunch and door prizes.

Offer financial planning help.
Host a financial series (Financial Peace University, Crown Financial Ministries) for the whole church and offer financial assistance to single parents in the church and community who want to attend.

Give practical assistance.
Match single parents’ needs with skilled professionals in your church who can provide assistance such as home and car maintenance, car purchasing and more.

Begin a weekly divorce recovery ministry …
using DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids seminars and support groups. Advertise it on the DivorceCare website and community bulletin boards.

Provide parenting seminars …
focusing on single parenting. Provide childcare and if possible, break out discussion groups based on ages of parents’. Ask for that information when parents sign up in advance.

Offer a one-night seminar on online dating.
Ignoring this topic forfeits prime opportunities to help single parents navigate the dating world with a biblical worldview. Enlist relationship experts to help delineate the pros and cons and best practices.

Eliminate hurdles that hinder families …
from participating in the activities you offer. Suggestions: game night at the YMCA; outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing; Easter egg hunts and Christmas dinners with gingerbread house decorating.

Additional resources: DivorceCare.org; Center for Single Parent Family Ministry SPFM.org

Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazinehttp://outreachmagazine.com

Outreach magazine publishes ideas, innovations, resources and stories to help church leaders reach their communities and change the world. Founded in January 2003 by church communications company Outreach Inc., Outreach is an award-winning, bimonthly periodical for church leadership and is available by subscription and on Amazon.com. Find out more at outreachmagazine.com
