Tag: hospitality

Taking Hospitality to the Next Level

For a large congregation whose majority is made up of military families, connecting quickly and easily can be a difficult task to accomplish.

Simplify Evangelism

The first mission field to which God calls every Christian is our neighborhood.

Welcome Others: The Gift of Hospitality in Leadership

When we lead with authenticity, we don’t simply share advice from a book. We share our real experiences.

Dhati Lewis: Creating Space for Change in Your Community

I think if we're going to make disciples in the 21st century in a polarizing time, we've got to recapture the art of hospitality. Because hospitality is where we are able to make an enemy a friend.

More than Friendliness — How Smaller Churches Can Get It Right

Many churches believe they are friendly, but too few demonstrate hospitality. The problem is friendliness is often directed internally. Members are kind and pleasant with each other and overlook guests.

Remembering Our Legacy

While we all work, serve and minister in different ways, the longer we do this important kingdom work, the more we realize that some of the teachings and practices of old are still applicable now and will be in the future.

Intentionality Is Key

We’re very intentional about being welcoming and friendly. I tell people on Sunday mornings at the end of the services, “If you’re our guest, I’d like to meet you.” And so I go to the hospitality room and meet people every week.

The Power of Hospitality

6 ways to make your home a blessing to others.